Even the most beautiful technique is only effective if it contains sufficient power.
While Shaolin Kung Fu is often regarded as an external martial art reliant on physical strength, high-level practice is actually supported and driven by internal force.
Tai Chi, Baguazhang, and Xingyiquan are generally considered the most important internal martial arts. However, it’s often overlooked that advanced Shaolin Kung Fu offers a wide range of methods for training Qi — and some of the most powerful ones at that.
In the previous episode of my series "Learning the Prototype of Shaolin Kung Fu", I focused on refining the technically correct execution of the "18 Lohan Fist". Now, it’s time to move on to the next step.
The beginning of the set is designed to develop "Internal Force". As the sequence progresses, there are ample opportunities to unleash it.
In this video, I’ll share more details with you. Enjoy!
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